I just got back from the most fabulous weekend in Chicago! I had the absolute privelege/pleasure to attend Audrey Woulard's workshop at her studio loft. It was amazing. She's amazing. Chicago's amazing! We arrived early Friday morning and spent the day sight seeing as a family. We stayed right across from the John Hancock building so we were right in the thick of it, which made it easy for Lenny and Owen to get around Saturday and Sunday. back to friday.......we walked Michigan Avenue, took the architecture boat tour, and ate lunch at The Billy Goat Tavern. (cheezeborger anyone??!!)
I can't even begin to tell you how absolutely AWESOME Audrey's workshop was! I walked away on Sunday with a revived spirit! I learned a whole bunch of new in camera tricks! She is a rock star in every sense of the word. She's an inspiration both artistically and as a business model.
Though I have to say the most memorable experience is being able to not only meet, but really spend time with Miz Booshay!!! I think that is what I was most excited about when we left for Chicago on Friday. We even spoke on the phone today! I couldn't have asked for a better weekend!!!!
Lenny was super DAD!!! He took Owen to the Shedd Aquarium, the Field Museum, and the Chicago Children's Museum. They were non-stop!! I'll have to post his pictures from their adventures later!
waiting in line to get on the boat for the architecture tour!

My favorite buildings on the tour....I don't remember their names but are known as the "corn cobs"

This is my favorite image that I've taken in a long time!!!

If you know me, you know I love the sun flare!!!

Lunch at The Billy Goat Tavern