I am super behind at posting. I've had three sessions since the sisters last Saturday that I'd like to post highlights of, plus pics of Owen from the pumpkin patch that I really want to share. I'm taking a few minutes now to post some fun pictures taken yesterday at our Mommy group. The last time we took pictures of the kiddies sitting on a couch was for St. Patrick's day. At that point, they were all little blobs that didn't really move around much. We only had to have someone on hand to prevent them toppling over. Yesterday was a whole different story. Now out of the 5 little members, only two of us are yet to turn one. Owen will be one in two weeks, and Addison will be one in December. So needless to say they are much more than the blobs that they were in March. There was a dragon, a cow, a butterfly princess, and two pirates! I am proud to say that the two pirate costumes were sewn by MOI!!! Owen and Addison went as matching boy and girl pirates. Such fun. After group, Owen and I met dad for lunch at his office. (yesterday was his birthday!). Anyway, his boss, looks at Owen and says, "Oh, Ponce de Leon!" (because every mother of an 11 month old dresses him up at Ponce de Leon for Halloween!) haha

Cute, cute, cute! I was just teaching about Ponce de Leon today! I guess he did find the Fountain of Youth after all!! Cute costume -- did you make the hat, too?
Did you draw chest hair on too?
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