I photographed two sisters today, who not only really liked eachother, but LOVED eachother! This was a conversation that was overheard by their mom while they were changing clothes.
"R" (the older one): She's really nice. (referring to me!)
"j" (the younger): Yeah, she's nice, but she's not the nicest person in the world like you!
Wow!!! Mom's heart was about to burst!! My heart was about to burst, to hear such love and adoration between two sisters. How many sisters refer to eachother as the "nicest person in the world"?! Not only was the love evident between the two sisters, but it was evident in the whole family. It was refreshing and uplifting. I photographed the two sisters, their mom and dad, and their baby cousin. The pictures of the baby are a surprise for her mom and dad who went away for the weekend! You are a beautiful family!! Families such as yours are what I hope to model my family after!! Remember Deb, mother daughter session next week!
This post will have to be broken down into two! I just couldn't decide on pics!