My husband and I have both said that we hope, when we do have our next child, that it's a girl. I don't think I could give you a definitive reason why, except that we want one, and because of the shopping!!!!!! Any mother of a boy knows that every children's section is 1/4 boys and 3/4 girls, and the girls clothes are so FREAKIN' cute!!! (Not that my husband and I have any problem spending money on our son's clothes and shoes! Have I mentioned that we all have matching pairs of white converse sneakers?? Now that's something to take a picture of!)
Anyway, I digress, I think my whole outlook on the girl thing has changed after yesterday. Yesterday I spent the afternoon with three brothers; four, eight, and eleven. Watching how they interacted with eachother, and watching how their mother interacted with them, I thought there really must be something to be said for having all boys. I asked mom, "did you ever think you'd be the mom to 3 boys?" She said, "no." But that there was nothing like it. And you know what? I totally believe it. Besides there's no stronger position as being the only woman in the house! :)
"E" told his mom that he wanted to get his hair wet, so he went and stuck his head in the pool!!! Gotta love the low maintence!!

I love the way the middle one is looking at me here! So super cool!

Bring on the family of boys! We're ready!